Kirstin Cameron
Certified Nutrition & Lifestyle CoachMy name is Kirstin Cameron. I am a 25 year old, small town girl raised in Wetaskiwin, Alberta. Growing up I was involved in many different sports; however, I can’t say I was ever passionate about any one in particular. I've always taken a particular interest in health and its determinants which is why I chose to attend post-secondary schooling to advance my knowledge in this area. I earned my degree and graduated with honors in the Bachelor of Science in nursing program in June 2014. I quickly became very passionate about my newfound profession. The hospital was my outlet for teaching people the raw information about what a healthy balanced lifestyle looks like. I found myself wanting to teach, inspire, and motivate people to be healthy, fit, and confident. The best version of themselves they could be. I wanted to lead by example and prove you can achieve anything you put your mind to!
In 2014, I hired a reputable coach to train me for my first bikini competition. I ended up placing 2nd in the Muscle Beach Fall Classic, advancing to the next tier. I didn't stop there. Following this, I placed 4th at the ABBA Provincial show 2015, and just 6 weeks later, I took home a 5th place award at the CBBF National Bikini & Physique show. It wasn’t easy as I worked full time 12 hour, long and demanding, day and night shifts during each competition preparation. But I was determined, persistent and it was worth it.
My husband and I have been together in this fitness journey every step of the way. When we first started dating he was the one to teach me the benefits of weight lifting, of any gender. Next thing we knew, we were training for our first show together, and 8 months later we were both stepping on the National stage! We prepped and competed in all of our shows together; motivating and encouraging each other every step of the way.
After my competitions, I felt a sensation of empowerment, success, personal achievement, and true passion. I felt more confident in myself and I wanted to inspire and motivate others to help achieve their goals. As more and more friends and strangers came to me asking for fitness and nutrition advice I was humbled that people actually wanted my help. I started out by educating myself in nutrition and enrolling in a Nutrition Coaching program with my husband. From there we continued to educate and grow together taking on more clients each month. It is so rewarding to have such a direct role in helping others achieve their goals and to support people, every step of the way as they bettered their lifestyle.
This is our passion and we would love to share our journey with you; which is why we have decided to start New Leaf Fitness and Nutrition ltd.