About Us

What is New Leaf Fitness & Nutrition?

New Leaf Fitness & Nutrition takes a positive, holistic approach to fitness and nutrition. It's not just about looking good, it's about feeling good too, and doing so while living a balanced enjoyable lifestyle. We want to empower you to create lasting, positive changes for your health.

Why we started New Leaf

We started New Leaf for those who want balance in their lives, and a fresh start, just like us. Want to start a new, fresh page in fitness AND in health? You’re in the right place. It isn't about losing the most weight or gaining the most muscle. It's about finding a balance that's right for you and your lifestyle. Working with New Leaf means making progress each day to develop yourself not only physically, but mentally as well.

Who are we? Click here to learn more about our team.

Who is New Leaf for?

We understand that your priority might not be to live at the gym six days a week, or to become a fitness competitor or bodybuilder. We all can have families we need to share our lives with, kids to look after, friends to hang out with, and events to attend. We are here for not just the gym-goer. We’re here for:

  • The mother of two
  • The couple looking for a change in their lives
  • The guy or girl wanting to be fit and develop their physique
  • The person who can't always get to a gym
  • Someone who wants change, but just doesn't know where to start

We are here for you; to show you how to live a look-good, feel-good lifestyle. And hey, if you are an athlete or bodybuilder, we’ve got your back too. Everyone needs an extra push from time to time.

Programs designed for you and your schedule

Our programs are designed with three things in mind: health, balance, and your goals. Our meal plans can vary, from structured plans, to flexible meal planning, to macro counting. We take into consideration your likes, dislikes, and any limitations your diet may have. We design our programs specifically for you and your lifestyle, to help reach your goals with the tools to live a balanced life; while improving your personal fitness, health, mental health, energy and positive attitude towards fitness and food.

Many of our programs include online consultations and weekly progress check-ins. We do these online to work with you regardless of where you are, and to fit with your schedule. We will also answer any questions you may have, 24/7, via text or email. This accessibility, knowledge, and convenience is what separates us from other consultants.

For more information, learn more about our programs here.

Start your journey today

This is your story and we want to be a part of it. Turn to a fresh page, turn over a new leaf, and join us today. Start your balanced lifestyle with New Leaf Fitness & Nutrition.

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